Beach Volleyball
Beach Volleyball Leagues - Registration is now open
Click here to sign up
Adult Co-ed 6's Summer 2025 League
- Start Date(s): Tuesday May 13 (Sold Out), Wednesday May 14 (Sold out), Thursday May 15 (Sold Out)
- Running for 12 weeks + playoffs
- Games will be 1 hour
- 6:00pm,7:00pm & 8:00pm games.
- 6 vs 6
- 2 Female team members need to be on the court at all times
- Must be 19+ of age
- All games are group-refereed & scored
- $665+hst per team
- All team members must sign a waiver!
- League play from May 13th to July 31
- Built-in Rain weeks - August 5th - August 7th & August 12th - August 14th
- Playoffs Dates (single elimination):
- Tuesday August 19 & 26
- Wednesday August 20 & 27
- Thursday August 26 & 28
Adult Co-ed 4's Summer League
Leagues on Sunday Nights & Tuesday Nights - Running for 12 weeks
- Start Date: Tuesday May 13th (sold out) & Sunday, May 25, 2025
- No long weekends
- Games will be 1 hour
- 6:00pm, 7:00pm games.
- 4 vs 4
- co-ed
- 1 Female Team members needs to be on the court at all times
- Must be 19+ of age
- All games are group-refereed & scored
- $550+hst per team
- All team members must sign a waiver!
- Tuesday League play from May 13th to July 29
- Sunday League play from May 25 to Aug 10
Boler Mountain Falleyball League
- Fall Volleyball League
- Start Date(s): Wednesday September 3, Thursday September 4, 2025
- Running for 6 week
- Games will be 1 hour
- 6:00pm
- 6 vs 6
- 2 Female team members need to be on the court at all times
- Must be 19+ of age
- All games are group-refereed & scored
- $225+hst per team
- All team members must sign a waiver!
Boler Mountain 3rd Annual Beach Volleyball Tournament
Friday August 29 & Saturday August 30, 2025
Join us for a fun-filled day at the Mountain on the courts! Open to the first 20 teams to sign up
- Co-ed 6's (must have 2 females) or Co-ed 4's (must have 2 females)
- $300+hst 6's
- $200+hst 4's
- 3 Games Guarantee
- Lunch included
- Fun, non-competitive setting
- Max. of 8 players on a team roster for 6's
- Max. of 6 players on a team roster for 4's
- Must be 19+ of age
- no games before 5pm on the Friday night
Private Court Rentals - $45 +HST per hour
Friday Night DROP-IN
Drop in and spike one over the net - bring friends and start a game. Open to players of all levels in a non-competitive and friendly environment.
- Starting Friday, May 16, 2025- 6:00pm-8:00pm
- Must be 16+ years old
- $5/person (please pay in the main office upon arrival)
- Game balls and scoreboards provided by Boler Mountain
- Staff on-site managing capacity as needed - first come, first served!
- Please note: the Drop-In schedule is subject to change. please check the website for the latest updates.
- No Drop-in volleyball on Friday, July 25th due to the Foam Fest setup