Customer Service Policy Statement
Providing Goods & Services to People with Disabilities
The Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 (also referred to as the accessible customer service regulation or the “customer service standard”), came into force on January 1, 2008. It is the first accessibility standard created under the authority of the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005). In keeping with the true spirit of the AODA, it is hoped that our community will endeavour to raise the bar on accessibility standards, by embracing the vision of what we aspire to be.
The policy is intended to benefit the full range of persons with disabilities, as defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code. Whether a person’s disability is apparent or not, everyone should be treated with courtesy, made to feel welcome, and have their need for accommodation respected whenever they interact with a service provided by Boler Mountain. It is recommended that customer service be given advance notice in order to help facilitate an accommodation to participate in tubing, skiing or snowboarding at Boler Mountain.
Boler Mountain is committed to creating a barrier free environment for persons with disabilities. As a part of this commitment Boler Mountain strives to improve and grow its services to be a more inclusive environment which goes beyond servicing only those persons with disabilities; ongoing training is devoted to promoting an inclusive accessible environment to services and facilities.
Boler Mountain Management Team
Boler Mountain Accessibility Policies and Multi-Year Plan
AODA - Multiyear Accessibility Plan (2018-2023)
Policy Name - Integrated Accessibility Policy | Date - Original Implementation January 1, 2013 |
Department - All Boler Mountain Resort Employees | Position |
Created by - Human Resources | Approved by - Marty Thody, Team Manager |
Last Reviewed - December 2023 |
Policy – Accessible Customer Service Policy
Approval Date: January 1, 2013
Review: Annually
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“the AODA”) is a Provincial Act with the purpose of developing, implementing and mandating accessibility standards in order to achieve accessibility for persons with disabilities, with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment, buildings, structures and premises. Under the AODA, Ontario Regulation 429/07, entitled “Accessibility Standards for Customer Service”, came into force on January 1, 2008. The Regulation establishes accessibility standards specific to customer service for public sector organizations and other persons or organizations that provide goods and services to members of the public or other third parties, but not to the goods themselves.
The objective of this policy is to identify what the equal treatment provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code, through the AODA and the Regulation, require as a minimum legal standard in program design and delivery to persons with disabilities and addresses the following:
- The provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities
- The use of assistive devices by persons with disabilities
- The use of service animals by persons with disabilities
- The use of support persons by persons with disabilities
- Notice of temporary disruptions in services and facilities
- Training:
- Customer feedback regarding the provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities; and
- Notice of availability and format of documents.
- This policy applies to the provision of goods and services at premises owned and operated by Boler Mountain.
- This policy applies to employees of Boler Mountain
- The section of this policy that addresses the use of guide dogs, service animals and service dogs only applies to the provision of goods and services that take place at premises owned and operated by Boler Mountain.
Policy Statement:
In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities, Ontario Regulation 429/07, Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Boler Mountain is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is accessible and inclusive to all persons who work or visit Boler Mountain. It is the policy of Boler Mountain that it’s working, recreational, and retail environments will be free from discrimination and harassment as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Assistive Devices: It is a technical aid, communication device or other instrument that is used to maintain or improve the functional abilities of people with disabilities. Personal assistive devices are typically devices that customers bring with them such as a wheelchair, walker or a personal oxygen tank that might assist in hearing, seeing, communicating, moving, breathing, remembering and/or reading.
Disability: the term disability as defined by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and the Ontario Human Rights Code, refers to:
- any degree or physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes diabetes, mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, and any degree or paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device
- a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability
- a learning disability, or dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language;
- a mental disorder; or
- an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.
Guide Dog: is a highly-trained working dog that has been trained at one of the facilities listed in Ontario Regulation 58 under the Blind Persons’ Rights Act, to provide mobility, safety and increased independence for people who are blind.
Service Animal: as reflected in Ontario Regulation 429/07, an animal is a service animal for a person with a disability:
- it is readily apparent that the animal is used by the person for reasons relating to his or her disability; or
- if the person provides a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to the disability.
Support Person: as reflected in Health Protection and Promotion Act, a support person means, in relation to a person with a disability, another person who accompanies him or her in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care, medical needs or access to goods and services.
General Principles:
The Provision of Goods and Services to Persons with Disabilities: Boler Mountain will strive to ensure that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the following core principles as outlined in the AODA.
Dignity: goods and services are provided in a manner that is respectful to persons with a disability and does not diminish the person’s importance. Independence: accommodating a person’s disability means respecting their right to do for themselves and to choose the way they wish to receive goods and services.
Integration: persons with disabilities can access all goods and services. This may require alternative formats and flexible approaches. It means inclusiveness and full participation. This is a fundamental human right.
Equal Opportunity: service is provided to persons with disabilities in a way that their opportunity to access goods and services is equal to that given to others. Boler Mountain will make every reasonable effort to ensure that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity by:
- ensuring that all customers receive the same value and quality;
- allowing customers with disabilities to do things in their ways, at their own pace when accessing goods and services as long as this does not present a safety risk;
- using alternative methods when possible to ensure that customers with disabilities have access to the same services, in the same place and in a similar manner;
- taking into account individual needs when providing goods and services; and communicating in a manner that takes into account the customer’s disability
Assistive Devices: Persons with disabilities may use their own assistive devices as required when accessing goods or services provided by Boler Mountain. In cases where the assistive device presents a safety concern or where accessibility might be an issue, other reasonable measures will be used to ensure the access of goods and services. For example, open flames and oxygen tanks cannot be near one another. Therefore the accommodation of a customer with an oxygen tank may involve ensuring the customer is in a location that would be considered safe for both the customer and business. Or, where elevators are not present and where an individual requires assistive devices for the purposes of mobility, service will be provided in a location that meets the needs of the customer.
Guide Dogs, Service Animals and Service Dogs: A customer with a disability that is accompanied by a guide dog, service animal or service dog will be allowed access to premises that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law. ‘No Pet” policies do not apply to guide dogs, service animals and/or service dogs.
Food Service Areas: a customer with a disability that is accompanied by a dog or service dog will be allowed access to food service areas that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law. Other types of service animals are not permitted into food service areas due to the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario Regulation 562 Section 60.
Exclusion Guidelines: If a guide dog, service animal or service dog is excluded by law (see applicable laws below) Boler Mountain will offer alternative methods to enable the person with a disability to access goods and services, when possible (for example, securing the animal in a safe location and offering the guidance of an employee).
Applicable Laws:
- Food Safety and Quality Act 2001, Ontario Regulation 31/05
- The Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario Regulation 562, Section 60
- Dog Owner’s Liability Act, Ontario: if there is a conflict between a provision of this Act or of a regulation under this or any other Act relating to banned breeds (such as pitbulls) and a provision of a by-law passed by a municipality relating to these breeds, the provision that is more restrictive in relation to controls or bans on these breeds prevails.
Recognizing a Guide Dog, Service Dog and/or Service Animal: if it is not readily apparent that the animal is being used by the customer for reasons relating to his or her disability, Boler Mountain may request verification from the customer.
Verification may include: A letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons related to their disability
- A valid identification card signed by the Attorney General of Canada; or,
- A certificate of training from a recognized guide dog or service animal training school.
Care and Control of the Animal: the customer that is accompanied by a guide dog, service dog and/or service animal is responsible for maintaining care and control of the animal at all times.
Allergies: if a health and safety concern presents itself for example in the form of a severe allergy to the animal, Boler Mountain will make all reasonable efforts to meet the needs of all individuals.
Support Persons: if a customer with a disability is accompanied by a support person, Boler Mountain will ensure that both persons are allowed to enter the premises together and that the customer is not prevented from having access to the support person. There may be times where seating and availability prevent the customer and support person from sitting beside each other. In these situations Boler Mountain will make every reasonable attempt to resolve the issue. In situations where confidential information might be discussed, consent will be obtained from the customer, prior to any conversation where confidential information might be discussed.
Admission Fees: if payment is required by a support person for admission to the premises Boler Mountain will ensure that notice is given in advance by posting notice of admission fees for support persons where Boler Mountain fees are posted.
Access 2 Program
Boler Mountain is a participating venue for cardholders of the Access 2 Program. This is for people of all ages and types of permanent disabilities who require the assistance of a support person at hundreds of participating entertainment, cultural and recreational venues across Canada. A support person is an adult who accompanies a person with a permanent disability to assist with services that are not provided by the employees at the participating venue, such as assistance with use of the facilities, communication or eating.
The Access 2 cardholder shows their card to the Boler Mountain employee and pays regular admission price. The cardholder will receive 1 free or discounted admission for their support person. All participants must sign appropriate waivers prior to their activities.
Notice of Disruptions in Service: service disruptions may occur due to reasons that may or may not be within the control or knowledge of Boler Mountain. In the event of any temporary disruptions to facilities or services that customer’s with disabilities rely on to access or use Boler Mountain’s goods or services, reasonable efforts will be made to provide advance notice. In some circumstances such as in the situation of unplanned temporary disruptions, advance notice may not be possible,
Notifications Will Include: in the event that a notification needs to be posted, the following information will be included unless it is not readily available or known:
- Goods or services that are disrupted or unavailable
- Reasons for the disruption
- Anticipated duration
- A description of alternative services or options
Notification Options: when disruptions occur Boler Mountain will provide notice by:
- Posting notices in conspicuous places including at the point of disruption, at
- the main entrance and the nearest accessible entrance to the service
- Contacting customers with appointments or meetings;
- Verbally notifying customers when they are making a reservation,appointment or while they are at Boler Mountain; or
- By any other method that may be reasonable under the circumstances.
Feedback Process: Boler Mountain shall provide customers with the opportunity to provide feedback on the service provided to customers with disabilities by email, info@bolermountain.com, verbally (in person or by telephone at 519-657-8822) or hand written.
Submitting Feedback: Customers can submit feedback by:
- Email, info@bolermountain.com
- Contacting a Boler Mountain Customer/Guest Services employee, verbally, by telephone or hand written.
Customers who provide verbal feedback will receive acknowledgement of their feedback, along with any resulting actions based on concerns or complaints that were submitted.
Training: training will be provided to all employees of Boler Mountain
Training Provisions: as reflected in Ontario Regulation 429/07, regardless of the format, training will cover the following:
- A review of the purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
- A review of the requirements of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07
- Instructions on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
- Instructions on how to interact with people with disabilities who:
- use assistive devices
- require the assistance of a guide dog, service dog or other service animal; or
- require the use of a support person (including the handling of admission fees)
- Instructions on how to use equipment or devices that are available at our premises or those we provide that may help people with disabilities.
- Instructions on what to do if a person with a disability is having difficultyaccessing your services.
- Boler Mountain policies, procedures and practices pertaining to providing accessible customer service to customers with disabilities
Training Schedule:
Training will be provided to new and returning employees of Boler Mountain.
Revised training will be provided in the event of changes to legislation, procedures and/or practices.
Record of Training: Boler Mountain will keep a record of training that includes the dates training was provided and the number of employees who completed the training.
Notice of Availability and Format of Documents Boler Mountain shall notify customers that the documents related to the Accessibility
Standard for Customer Service are available upon request and in a format that takes into account the customer’s disability. Notification will be given by posting the information in a conspicuous place owned and operated by Boler Mountain’s website and/or any other reasonable method.
If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or its related procedures please contact:
Marty Thody, Team Manager
519-657-8822 Extension 229
This policy and its related procedures will be reviewed as required in the event of legislative changes.
Click here to download a copy of our policy
Boler Mountain
Address: 689 Griffith Street, London, Ontario N6K 2S5
Telephone: 519.657.8822